
is Soy's pieces.

Carry Me
February 27, 2012

 I feel mushy today. I was scrolling down some updates when I came to see this picture (above). This one is sweet, but, I have different thoughts on this, something funny. I was never carried by my husband to our honeymoon suite, the one you see on movies where the groom carries his bride before they enter their room. I never had one. Every time I see those scenes on a movie we both would watch, I sometimes asked him “How come I didn’t have that thing?” He simply would reply by giving me his hearty laugh. He finds me so funny, sometimes I do honestly wonder why. Do take me seriously here for I am. G-R-I-N-N-I-N-G. Anyways, one time I asked him to do it for me. I urged him to DEATH! Finally, he did! Because we did it the wrong way, he seemed to not know how to position himself so he could carry me with both of his arms like grooms did to their brides. I myself cannot know how to properly do it. Should I prop? Should I lie slightly? We were doing it so awkwardly. We were so out of sync. And then, out of the blue we just did it! But I heard him grunting. So I asked, “Are you okay dear?” I could see his face twisting. He was breathing heavily. Suddenly, he said “Iggh, di kaya, bug-at kayo ka pangga!” (Aagghh! I can't do it, you're too heavy my love!) He put me down without much hesitation. I could have released some serious gasses seeing his face. Pleading so as not to offend me, he begged “Baba na lang ka pangga beh, please.” (Just ride on my back dear, please?") I thought I already had my Thor and Hercules, all rolled into one. Tsk, tsk, tsk. It’s alright pangga, we have our lifetime to practice. For now, let me write this to you.

Carry me when I feel sad and lonely,
In days that seemed to be blue and gloomy;
Feel me when I searched for you,
In those nights I feel empty.

Carry me when I’m sick,
In times when I feel weak;
Heal me with your touch,
In long hours of ache;

And carry me when I’m in glee,
As we celebrate our life’s wonder;
Embrace me with love,
As heart’s longing in your ears I whisper

Carry me then, oh carry me my sweet,
As we thank God for each other as His gift;
Kiss me fervently and tenderly,
As we watch the moon comes in slightly.

Oh but then, then my love,
When you and I comes into aging’
While our lives are ebbing,
When leaves fall from its branches’
And things in sight blurs,
While nights becomes longer and colder;

Carry me still, carry me,
With all eagerness and celerity;
Warming my heart with laughter so bubbly,
Keep this old soul dearly;

But if you can’t,
Love, I will always understand.

--@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ --@ 

This Day

This day, I see you
Beauty beyond belief
Dreams fulfilled
Prayers answered
My wish granted

 Dear I celebrate
You and I
Together fated
Ever, after
Till our dying days

Yes oh yes,
With unfading ember
My lover, my partner
Devotion I swear
Forever we will share

And as I lay my eyes
On you with sweet delight
I thank the heavens above
In blessing me a morning
So beautiful, so tender

This day,
with you and our love
by my side.

I made this poem as my wedding gift to a friend. It was a bit hard writing this one because I don't personally know her husband to be. I had met him only a couple of times and was never able to get personal with him. I just had the idea of what he is and what love he has for my friend through her stories. Nevertheless, I ended up finishing this one. Had I re-discovered my passion on writing earlier before I got married I could have written my husband a love poem that we are both to share as our vows. When I was married in 2005 I had Elizabeth Barret Browning's How Do I Love Thee as part of my wedding vow. But I couldn't bring myself to recite it on my wedding day because there is no way I wouldn't be moved by the emotions etched in its every lines. I always am moved to tears every time I read the poem. I could have embarrassed myself if I insisted on me to read it and bawled afterwards. So I opted for the traditional one, it all went fine. Maybe to make up what I missed in those days, I kept on writing love poems for him. I was able to pull this one even though I had my difficulty of doing it because I have my husband in mind.

I had that photo of him (Randy, my husband) above. We were talking then, we just woke up. Then I took my camera auto set on a black and white frame, and I got this. One of my fave shots of him. He is beautiful in his morning smile.


  1. Your lines throb with a heart all its own, nang! Keep on doing this. It's talent you are required to nurture. :-)

  2. Nang, I could bawl now. Thank so much for your ever breathing encouragement. You know the reason why. I always thank God for giving me people like you who has more belief in what I could do than what I have for myself. You are His blessings to me. Yes Nang. I shall and will continue. Thank you as always. ;-*

  3. I always knew that you really had a talent in this stuff maam, way back then, every words, lines and phrases you uttered is full of moral lesson, ideas and wisdom and I am so proud and very bless to have you in my life as my teacher, my sister and my forever friend, I am Happy to say that while reading every line of your poem it is filled with so much love and adoration. I loved it so much. God bless you Maam and Sir, Thank you so much for everything
